Prices are not posted because I sell "original" and reproduction printed manuals worldwide by postal service and PDFs I scan from these manuals which I provide via eMail and downloads from the website. You can request pricing for a manual or series of manuals by contacting me through one of the eMail links on each manual page.


OWNER = The manual that comes with the unit - tells you how to use it. Sometimes called user or instructions
SERVICE = used by technicians to repair the unit
OWNER SERVICE = Sometimes manufacturers provide the OWNERS manual with the SERVICE manual
SCHEMATIC = Only the schematic for the unit
SCHEMATIC BOARD = Includes the SCHEMATIC and the Printed Circuit BOARD layouts
BULLETIN = Issued by the manufacturer to cover a problem or note a change
CHANGE = The unit's been modified or a unit derived from another model
SALES = Brochure or other advertising media

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Model #Descriptiontype
562.53121350Beta VCRowner
562.93290250 (LXI)Cassette Decktraining
562.93300350 (Proformance series)Cassette Deckservice
564.42107750, 564.42107751, 564.42107752, 564.42109750, 564.72109751, 564.72109752TVservice
564.53180150, 564.53140150, 564.53100150Beta VCRtraining
564.53190350, 564.53110250Beta VCRtraining
564.92590900 (LXI)Receiverservice
564.9998210Microwave Ovenservice
5305,5306Beta VCRtraining
5360, 5322, 5318, VT-MWT-43Beta VCRtraining
934.44816290TV VCRservice
934.54780150, 274.54740150CED Video Disc Playerservice
SR2000, 934.53303551, 934.53323551VCRowner
Warwick (8-track, mini, standard, deluxe, varactor chassis)Console Stereoservice


Model #Descriptiontype


Model #Descriptiontype